Outsourced Corporate Recruiting
Why we do not overcharge like other recruiting companies
Most recruiters are contingency recruiters meaning they don't get paid unless you hire someone from them. That may sound good at first but it has it's pitfalls. Since they aren't getting paid for 98% of their efforts, they have to overcharge when they finally do make a placement.
Recruiting is expensive and time consuming. Think of us as your outsourced corporate recruiting department that you actually hire as an extension of your company. We’ll save you time and money so you can focus on doing your job more effectively. We’ve been doing it for 20 years.
We don’t work for free. We don't recruit on contingency. But, the good news is that we don’t have to charge outrageous placement fees to make up for all the wasted work doing free contingency searches that don’t produce any income. That's one of the big reasons why recruiters have to charge so much but we don't.
Instead, we devote ourselves to working with only those companies who value what we do and choose to hire us to help you find the right job match for your open positions.
Why we do not "prep" candidates like other recruiting companies
You may not realize this but when you work with a contingency recruiter, they ask you a lot of questions about what you are looking for in a candidate and what questions you might ask in an interview, then use the information you gave them to prepare the candidates before the interview so they will give you the answers you want to hear. Their goal is a transaction so they aren't always aligned with you.
What's in it for them, of course, is that if they can slip the puck past the goalie, they can send you a big invoice. Remember, contingency searches have to massively overcharge to make up for all the searches they do for free that doesn't result in a placement. Usually, a candidate will make it through the first 30 days so they won't have to be replaced.
We do not "prep" candidates because we aren't secretly working against you and we aren't merely trying to get a transaction we can invoice. Since you have hired us, our single-minded goal is to find the right long term job match for you.
Why contingency recruiters hate assessments and why we love them
We get it. Contingency recruiters are easy to use. They call you. There's no commitment on your part. You only owe them if you hire someone. But, remember, they will prepare the candidate to beat the interview and massively overcharge you. So, when you use assessments to help determine job match, that's an obstacle in the way of their transaction.
We want to help you hire the best job match. So, we love workplace assessments. It's like hiring with the lights on. You can find out about a candidate BEFORE you hire them. We can bundle assessments with our recruiting to make us a powerful partner in helping you find and select the person who is the best job match for you, your company, the position, and your culture.
We are certified in the PXT Select. For over 15 years we have been authorized business partners with Profiles International which was recently purchased by Wiley.
The Partner Group is based in Florida but we are currently recruiting around the nation.
We do a lot of work for companies in Chicago but in the last few years we have helped companies hire people in Chicago, IL, Los Angeles, CA, Greensboro, NC, Boston, MA, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Houston, TX, Dallas, TX, Hanover, MD, Orlando, FL, Sacramento, CA, Portland, OR and other places.
Just recently we've placed positions from warehouse worker to CFO. We've recently helped companies hire a Director of Quality, Safety Director, Customer Service, Data Integrity, Quality Manager, Plant Manager, Production Supervisor, Sanitation Supervisor, Sales people and many others.
Years ago, The Partner Group served as the outsourced corporate recruiter for small packaging company and around 2005 we helped them hire a sales person. He was a good job match and is still all these years later. Early in his tenure there he brought in a customer whose business quickly grew into a $50 million dollar account that changed the course of the company.
"The Partner Group is a top-notch organization that provides partnerships with their clients in helping to fine-tune the selection process and solve people related challenges. The assessments are a great tool that can provide insight into team members and how they work together as well as individual behavioral traits, thinking style and occupational interests. The excellent service provided by the Partner Group and their urgency and attention to your needs are characteristics that make this organization a highly reputable resource and a partner I enjoy working with, respect, and can highly recommend.” HR Manager